Nouvelle déclaration d'incident
No de la demande: 2023-1760
Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: 3489606
Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): Bayer CropScience Inc.
Adresse: 160 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Suite 130
État: AB
Pays: Canada
Code postal /Zip: T2C 3G3
Incident chez l'humain
Incident chez un animal domestique
ARLA No d'homologation 29367 ARLA No de la demande d'homologation EPA No d'homologation.
Nom du produit: TUNDRA HERBICIDE
Site: Res. - Out Home / Rés - à l'
Personne affectée
Sexe: Homme
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Non professionnel
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 on Subform II or field 17 of subform III for a detailed description regarding the activity
Dérive du pesticide à partir de la zone traitée
Unknown / Inconnu
>2 mos <=6 mos / > 2 mois < = 6 mois
1/9/2023 An individual has reported that the Tundra Herbicide was sprayed in June of 2022 by a neighbor, a cloud of product lasted over 3 hours and had drifted over to their garden. The reporter then called the local municipality, was told his neighbor was using this product, and was told he could eat his vegetables as long as he waited 2 weeks before consuming them. Caller waited the 2 weeks and then harvested beets, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, and other vegetables that he can't remember. Caller states the potatoes looked weird. Half of the potato looked normal on one side and rotten on the other side with a perfect line down the middle. Callers symptoms of muscle aches began in approximately September or October 2022. His wifes symptoms, also muscle aches, either began in July of that year, or October or November 2022. His symptoms worsen when eating the potatoes, or when out in the garden. On or around December 16th, 2022 caller consulted his health care provider regarding his symptoms and the potential exposure to this product. His doctor told him his symptoms were not from this product because if he had an ingestion of this product he would have been vomiting. He was advised to stop eating the potatoes, and his symptoms improved. He does not know whether his wife did anything to manage her symptoms, although their symptoms persist. His dog has also been shaking her head and ears since around the time the product was sprayed. She was evaluated by a veterinarian on January 5th, 2023 with no noted cause. She does swim often in a dugout during the warm months until October. The veterinarian performed an otic exam and ear swab, but no noted results. Caller reports he had his water tested on December 2nd, 2022 from a dugout in the garden that showed values of 2,4D = 5.21, MCPA = 5.26, and 2,4,5-T = 5.36. No further information is available.
The symptoms started after the product was sprayed near the caller (unclear if an exposure occurred at the time) and a few months after chronically ingesting the produce. While a temporal relationship exists between product exposure and the onset of symptoms the amount of product is not expected to be in high enough concentrations to cause or otherwise influence the reported symptoms. The caller reports a drift from Tundra Herbicide came through his garden. Given the described exposure, minimal amounts would have been deposited on the produce and would not be expected to cause the reported symptoms. Additionally, the caller waited two weeks before harvesting, in which the product likely dried and was potentially washed off while watering the produce or by rain. The caller also likely washed the produce after harvest before eating. The amount of product left on the produce that would have been potentially ingested would be minimal, if any. All other differential diagnoses have not been ruled out and the product has not been re-challenged.
Personne affectée
Sexe: Femme
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Non professionnel
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 on Subform II or field 17 of subform III for a detailed description regarding the activity
Dérive du pesticide à partir de la zone traitée
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
1/9/2023 An individual has reported that the Tundra Herbicide was sprayed in June of 2022 by a neighbor, a cloud of product lasted over 3 hours and had drifted over to their garden. The reporter then called the local municipality, was told his neighbor was using this product, and was told he could eat his vegetables as long as he waited 2 weeks before consuming them. Caller waited the 2 weeks and then harvested beets, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, and other vegetables that he can't remember. Caller states the potatoes looked weird. Half of the potato looked normal on one side and rotten on the other side with a perfect line down the middle. Callers symptoms of muscle aches began in approximately September or October 2022. His wifes symptoms, also muscle aches, either began in July of that year, or October or November 2022. His symptoms worsen when eating the potatoes, or when out in the garden. On or around December 16th, 2022 caller consulted his health care provider regarding his symptoms and the potential exposure to this product. His doctor told him his symptoms were not from this product because if he had an ingestion of this product he would have been vomiting. He was advised to stop eating the potatoes, and his symptoms improved. He does not know whether his wife did anything to manage her symptoms, although their symptoms persist. His dog has also been shaking her head and ears since around the time the product was sprayed. She was evaluated by a veterinarian on January 5th, 2023 with no noted cause. She does swim often in a dugout during the warm months until October. The veterinarian performed an otic exam and ear swab, but no noted results. Caller reports he had his water tested on December 2nd, 2022 from a dugout in the garden that showed values of 2,4D = 5.21, MCPA = 5.26, and 2,4,5-T = 5.36. No further information is available.
The symptoms started after the product was sprayed near the caller (unclear if an exposure occurred at the time) and a few months after chronically ingesting the produce. While a temporal relationship exists between product exposure and the onset of symptoms the amount of product is not expected to be in high enough concentrations to cause or otherwise influence the reported symptoms. The caller reports a drift from Tundra Herbicide came through his garden. Given the described exposure, minimal amounts would have been deposited on the produce and would not be expected to cause the reported symptoms. Additionally, the caller waited two weeks before harvesting, in which the product likely dried and was potentially washed off while watering the produce or by rain. The caller also likely washed the produce after harvest before eating. The amount of product left on the produce that would have been potentially ingested would be minimal, if any. All other differential diagnoses have not been ruled out and the product has not been re-challenged.
Propriétaire de l'animal
Dog / Chien
Labrador Retriever
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
Other / Autre
préciser It is unknown how the animal was exposed as the product is suspected to have been sprayed on a neighbor's land by the neighbor.
(p.ex. description des symptômes tels que la fréquence et la gravité
1/9/2023 An individual has reported that the Tundra Herbicide was sprayed in June of 2022 by a neighbor, a cloud of product lasted over 3 hours and had drifted over to their garden. The reporter then called the local municipality, was told his neighbor was using this product, and was told he could eat his vegetables as long as he waited 2 weeks before consuming them. Caller waited the 2 weeks and then harvested beets, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, and other vegetables that he can't remember. Caller states the potatoes looked weird. Half of the potato looked normal on one side and rotten on the other side with a perfect line down the middle. Callers symptoms of muscle aches began in approximately September or October 2022. His wifes symptoms, also muscle aches, either began in July of that year, or October or November 2022. His symptoms worsen when eating the potatoes, or when out in the garden. On or around December 16th, 2022 caller consulted his health care provider regarding his symptoms and the potential exposure to this product. His doctor told him his symptoms were not from this product because if he had an ingestion of this product he would have been vomiting. He was advised to stop eating the potatoes, and his symptoms improved. He does not know whether his wife did anything to manage her symptoms, although their symptoms persist. His dog has also been shaking her head and ears since around the time the product was sprayed. She was evaluated by a veterinarian on January 5th, 2023 with no noted cause. She does swim often in a dugout during the warm months until October. The veterinarian performed an otic exam and ear swab, but no noted results. Caller reports he had his water tested on December 2nd, 2022 from a dugout in the garden that showed values of 2,4D = 5.21, MCPA = 5.26, and 2,4,5-T = 5.36. No further information is available.
The information contained in this report is based on self-reported statements provided to the registrant during telephone Interview(s). These self-reported descriptions of an incident have not been independently verified to be factually correct or complete descriptions of the incident. For that reason, information contained in this report does not and can not form the basis for a determination of whether the reported clinical effects are causally related to exposure to the product identified in the telephone interviews.
Herbaceous Plants / Plante herbacée
Solanum tuberosum
Lésions visibles à l'oeil nu (p. ex. chlorose [jaunissement], nécrose, décoloration)
Half of the potato looked normal on one side and rotten on the other side with a perfect line down the middle. It is unknown how far from the application site the potato was growing. The nature of exposure to the plant is similarly unknown.
The product was applied by the neighbor to the neighbor's property, after which a cloud of product remained suspended for 3 hours.
The information contained in this report is based on self-reported statements provided to the registrant during telephone Interview(s). These self-reported descriptions of an incident have not been independently verified to be factually correct or complete descriptions of the incident. For that reason, information contained in this report does not and can not form the basis for a determination of whether the reported clinical effects are causally related to exposure to the product identified in the telephone interviews.