Nouvelle déclaration d'incident
No de la demande: 2015-3972
Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: 20150625
Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): Bayer CropScience Inc.
Adresse: Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd SE
Ville: Calgary
État: AB
Pays: Canada
Code postal /Zip: T2C 3G3
Étude scientifique
ARLA No d'homologation ARLA No de la demande d'homologation EPA No d'homologation. 264-856
Nom du produit: Iodosulfuron 10 WDG
Titre Algal growth inhibition - Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata AEF115008 Water dispersible granule; 10 %.
Date 27-MAR-00
Augmentation du risque sanitaire ou environnemental
BCS is submitting new information to PMRA related to Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium (IMS). This information is not necessarily a new adverse effect of the subject chemical, but is rather new information submitted for the Agencys own review and evaluation because the data meet the Agencys administrative reporting criteria. The relevance of these formulation studies to the aquatic risk assessment has a high degree of uncertainty, as IMS has no labeled aquatic use patterns. It is important to note that formulation-based studies do not accurately represent aquatic exposure and toxicity compared to aquatic estimated environmental concentrations that include runoff. Formulations do not runoff as intact components, and comparison of percent active ingredient endpoints derived from the formulation studies may overestimate risk in these cases. The overly conservative approach of comparing endpoints based on percent active ingredient derived from formulations to estimated environmental concentrations calculated on runoff can however offer some insights when considering potential relative risk.