Santé Canada
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Sécurité des produits de consommation

Déclaration d'incident

Sous-formulaire I: Renseignements généraux

1.Type de rapport.

Nouvelle déclaration d'incident

No de la demande: 2015-2259

2. Renseignements concernant le titulaire.

Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: x

Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): x

Adresse: x

Ville: x

Pays: x

3.Choisir le (les) sous-formulaire(s) correspondant à l'incident.


4. Date à laquelle le titulaire d'homologation a été informé pour la première fois de l'incident.

5. Lieu de l'incident.



6. Date de la première observation de l'incident.


Description du produit

7. a) Donner le nom de la matière active et, si disponibles, le numéro d'homologation et le nom du produit (incluant tous les mélanges). Si le produit n'est pas homologué, donner le numéro de la demande d'homologation.

Matière(s) active(s)

ARLA No d'homologation       ARLA No de la demande d'homologation       EPA No d'homologation.

Nom du produit: x

  • Matière active

7. b) Type de formulation.

Renseignments sur l'application

8. Est-ce que le produit a été appliqué?


9. Dose d'application.


10. Site d'application (choisir tout ce qui s'applique).

11. Donner tout renseignement additionnel concernant l'application (comment le produit a été appliqué, la quantité utilisée, la superficie de la zone traitée, etc.)

The property the bee yard is on, is mainly scrub land consisting of tall grasses. There are several marshy areas (see Topographical map), as well as pine stands planted throughout the property. The area features several lakes and creeks. Across the road (to the west), there is what appears to be a dairy farm with a hay field 200m from the bee yard, as well as a crop field that looked like it had cereals in 2013. There are more crop fields behind the barn that are not visible from the road (see Satellite map). No early spring foraging sites (pussy willows etc) were identified during the inspection. A marshy area with tall reed grass was identified by the OMAF bee inspector as a likely water foraging site.

À être déterminé par le titulaire

12. Selon vous, le produit a-t-il été utilisé en conformité avec le mode d'emploi de L'étiquette?


Sous-formulaire IV : Environnement (y compris les plantes, les insectes et la faune)

1. Type d'organisme touché

Terr. Invrtbrt-Honey Bee/Inv.Ter-Abeille

2. Nom(s) commun(s)

Honey Bee

3.Nom(s) scientifique(s)


4. Nombre d'organismes touchés


5. Description du lieu où l'incident a été observé:

Eau douce



Eau salée

6. Cocher tous les symptômes qui s'appliquent à:

Anomalies du comportement


7.Décrire les symptômes et issue (mort, rétablissement, etc.).

There were a total of 31 colonies in the bee yard. There were 31affected colonies. No pests in the past year. Additional food sources provided to the bees included sugar syrup (barrel fed in fall after the last honey crop is harvested) and pollen supplement (on the hives right now, homemade). In the fall, apivar was applied to the hives. In fall the antibotic fumagillan-B was applied to the hives. Bees had dead bees had pollen on their legs, too cold/windy for foraging during inspection. Must have been foraging at some point: pollen on legs of dead/dying bees. There were 0-500 dead bees observed outside (under hives) of each hive. Adult bee symptoms included crawling and wings flared out on dead bees. Too cold to inspect brood frames - did not want to chill brood. no queen symptoms observed. The weather at the time of the incident was overcast and windy from the rest, temperature was cool 8 C. Beekeeper believes neonitinoids were the cause of the incident. Bees in the hive look on average like everyone elses bees in this area for this time of year (in terms of cluster size, pollen stores etc). Cluster size is decent. Beekeeper reported wings flared forward. Very little of this was observed, as the beekeeper had collected most dead bees that morning. Wax seen in front of hives, or down in bottom board can be seen as a sign of a weaker hive that is being robbed. This was observed in some hives. Fairly strong wind in NW direction during inspection. Quite cold, no foraging. Only bees of hive currently being inspected were flying- afterwards they all went back in hive. Many dead bees out front, were old, decomposing. NORMAL winter-kill clean out. Several of inspected hives were lifted, and up to ten dead/dying fresh bees were found UNDER the bottom board. OMAF inspector thought they couldn¿t get into hive but were trying to get to some shelter. Water sample taken from edge of marsh area. 30m from hives, bee inspector felt this would be a year-round water source for the bees. Bees were seen crawling up to 5 feet in front of hives (by inspectors). [name] called [name] after she left inspection to tell her that as it warmed up there were even more bees crawling around (indication that mortality event is ongoing, assuming those bees will die). All hives were requeened in the fall. Sample of dead bees taken had positive detects for imidacloprid. Sample of dead bees taken had no detected active ingredients. Sample of pollen comb had positive detects for thiamethoxam and clothianidin.

8. a) Est-ce que l'incident a été causé par (coucher tout ce qui s'applique) :


8. b) i)Combien de fois le produit a-t-il été appliqué cette année?


8. b) ii)Date de la dernière application


9. Est-ce qu'il a plu

9. a) Pendant l'application?


9. b) Jusqu'à 3 jours après l'application?


10. a)Y avait-il une zone tampon?


10. b) De quel genre?

10. c) Quelle étaite la taille de la zone tampon?

11.Est-ce que des échantillons ont été recueillis dans l'environnement et analysés?


À être déterminé par le titulaire

12.Classification selon la gravité (s'il y a plus d'une catégorie possible, veuillez choisir la plus grave)

13.Donner des renseignements additionnels ici