Nouvelle déclaration d'incident
No de la demande: 2013-6028
Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: 1021813
Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): Bayer CropScience Inc.
Adresse: 295 Henderson Drive
Ville: Regina
État: SK
Pays: Canada
Code postal /Zip: S4N 6C2
Incident chez l'humain
ARLA No d'homologation 25673 ARLA No de la demande d'homologation EPA No d'homologation.
Nom du produit: Tempo Ultra WP
Site: Other / Autre
Specify Type: office
Sexe: Homme
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 on Subform II or field 17 of subform III for a detailed description regarding the activity
<=15 min / <=15 min
<=30 min / <=30 min
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 on Subform II or field 17 of subform III for a detailed description regarding the activity
<=15 min / <=15 min
>8 hrs <=24 hrs / > 8 h < = 24 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? Please REfer to Field 13 on Subform II or field 17 of Subform III for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 on subform II or field 17 of subform III for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 on subform II and field 17 on subform III for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or field 17 of subform III for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? Please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? refer to field 13 or 17
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
<=30 min / <=30 min
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? please refer to field 13 or 17 for details
<=15 min / <=15 min
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
8/9/2012 Caller is a manager at business where product was applied in the office by a pest control company on 8/7/12. The employees were out of the office for 12 hours following application. There was obvious product residue on desks. Last night, one employee who says she is allergic to pesticides developed an unknown reaction and left work to go to an outpatient clinic. Caller has no further information on the employees condition. A second employee touched a phone cord and then rubbed his eyes. He developed blurriness and ocular irritation, and rinsed his eyes at work before going to be evaluated by a doctor. 8/10/2012 Callback attempted to the original caller. A message was left requesting follow up information. 8/13/2012 Caller is the supervisor of the original caller returning the previous message. The second employee was treated for a chemical burn, and has since returned to work. 19 other employees in the office developed respiratory irritation on the same day and left the area, and 4 other employees were unaffected.