Nouvelle déclaration d'incident
No de la demande: 2013-2888
Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: x
Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): x
Adresse: x
Ville: x
État: x
Pays: x
Code postal /Zip: X
Incident chez l'humain
ARLA No d'homologation 28715 ARLA No de la demande d'homologation EPA No d'homologation.
Nom du produit: PIC PLUS FUMIGANT
Site: Agricultural-Outdoor/Agricole-extérieur
Specify Type: tobacco - soil treatment prior to planting
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
Non professionnel
Dérive du pesticide à partir de la zone traitée
Unknown / Inconnu
>2 hrs <=8 hrs / > 2 h < = 8 h
The incident forced a family of three out of their home at 3am. They went to hospital with eye irritant complaints. FD and police were dispached to the site at 2:59 when a family was taken to hospital with eye irritation. FD is now going door-to-door requesting residents to keep their windows closed. There is a shelter-in-place initiated, but no further evacuations. OPP relays that this happened 3 times last year, and compared to the others, this is quite minor in severity. There is a precautionary 1/2 mile shelter-in-place established. No other symptoms to any other residences found at this time. OPP are still working on notifying all residents (estimated 15 homes). With the warm weather, the tobacco transplants are getting ready to go, farmers feels rushed to get the fields fumigated after a late spring so that the plants can go in the ground, last year, treatments were spread over about 3 weeks, this year the same treatments havea occurred in about 10 days. One report indicates that the site was only evacuated for 1 1/2 hours - the homeowners work in the middle of the night and felt eye irritation, went to Tim Horton's for 1 1/2 hours while it cleared, then returned home. It was reported that irrigation after application was not a viable option for these farmers; The FD apparently felt it was a much less severe situation than last years incidents, they had taken the training from distributor, and thought it was very helpful in dealing with the situation; According to distributor the road was not closed and the residents were only out of their home for about 1 1/2 hours; when he attended the site on Sunday morning, he felt that there was adequate soil moisture, so he couldnt explain why the material had come out of the soil; distributor indicated that about 15,000 acres have been fumigated so far this year; he is encouraging farmers to wait for some rain if possible, and to inject deeper (6-8 inches) and mound the soil higher (the older machines can mound about 6", newer machines higher). At 4am Sunday morning Pic Plus could be smelled at farm, when the police woke the family up.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
Non professionnel
Dérive du pesticide à partir de la zone traitée
Unknown / Inconnu
>2 hrs <=8 hrs / > 2 h < = 8 h
The incident forced a family of three out of their home at 3am. They went to hospital with eye irritant complaints. FD and police were dispached to the site at 2:59 when a family was taken to hospital with eye irritation. FD is now going door-to-door requesting residents to keep their windows closed. There is a shelter-in-place initiated, but no further evacuations. OPP relays that this happened 3 times last year, and compared to the others, this is quite minor in severity. There is a precautionary 1/2 mile shelter-in-place established. No other symptoms to any other residences found at this time. OPP are still working on notifying all residents (estimated 15 homes). With the warm weather, the tobacco transplants are getting ready to go, farmers feels rushed to get the fields fumigated after a late spring so that the plants can go in the ground, last year, treatments were spread over about 3 weeks, this year the same treatments havea occurred in about 10 days. One report indicates that the site was only evacuated for 1 1/2 hours - the homeowners work in the middle of the night and felt eye irritation, went to Tim Horton's for 1 1/2 hours while it cleared, then returned home. It was reported that irrigation after application was not a viable option for these farmers; The FD apparently felt it was a much less severe situation than last years incidents, they had taken the training from distributor, and thought it was very helpful in dealing with the situation; According to distributor the road was not closed and the residents were only out of their home for about 1 1/2 hours; when he attended the site on Sunday morning, he felt that there was adequate soil moisture, so he couldnt explain why the material had come out of the soil; distributor indicated that about 15,000 acres have been fumigated so far this year; he is encouraging farmers to wait for some rain if possible, and to inject deeper (6-8 inches) and mound the soil higher (the older machines can mound about 6", newer machines higher). At 4am Sunday morning Pic Plus could be smelled at farm, when the police woke the family up.
Sexe: Inconnu
Âge: Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
Non professionnel
Dérive du pesticide à partir de la zone traitée
Unknown / Inconnu
>2 hrs <=8 hrs / > 2 h < = 8 h
The incident forced a family of three out of their home at 3am. They went to hospital with eye irritant complaints. FD and police were dispached to the site at 2:59 when a family was taken to hospital with eye irritation. FD is now going door-to-door requesting residents to keep their windows closed. There is a shelter-in-place initiated, but no further evacuations. OPP relays that this happened 3 times last year, and compared to the others, this is quite minor in severity. There is a precautionary 1/2 mile shelter-in-place established. No other symptoms to any other residences found at this time. OPP are still working on notifying all residents (estimated 15 homes). With the warm weather, the tobacco transplants are getting ready to go, farmers feels rushed to get the fields fumigated after a late spring so that the plants can go in the ground, last year, treatments were spread over about 3 weeks, this year the same treatments havea occurred in about 10 days. One report indicates that the site was only evacuated for 1 1/2 hours - the homeowners work in the middle of the night and felt eye irritation, went to Tim Horton's for 1 1/2 hours while it cleared, then returned home. It was reported that irrigation after application was not a viable option for these farmers; The FD apparently felt it was a much less severe situation than last years incidents, they had taken the training from distributor, and thought it was very helpful in dealing with the situation; According to distributor the road was not closed and the residents were only out of their home for about 1 1/2 hours; when he attended the site on Sunday morning, he felt that there was adequate soil moisture, so he couldnt explain why the material had come out of the soil; distributor indicated that about 15,000 acres have been fumigated so far this year; he is encouraging farmers to wait for some rain if possible, and to inject deeper (6-8 inches) and mound the soil higher (the older machines can mound about 6", newer machines higher). At 4am Sunday morning Pic Plus could be smelled at farm, when the police woke the family up.