Mise à jour d'une déclaration précédente
No de la demande: 2011-2414
Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: PROSAR Case 1 26436268
Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): Loveland Products, Inc.
Adresse: P.O. Box 1286 80632 1286
Ville: Greeley
État: Colorado
Pays: USA
Incident chez l'humain
ARLA No d'homologation ARLA No de la demande d'homologation EPA No d'homologation. 34704-125
Nom du produit: Low Vol 6 Ester Weed Killer
Site: Agricultural-Outdoor/Agricole-extérieur
Specify Type: unspecified crop
Personne affectée
Sexe: Homme
Âge: >64 yrs / > 64 ans
Persisted until death
Unknown / Inconnu
>3 days <=1 wk / >3 jours <=1 sem
1 26436268 The reporter indicates exposure of a family member to an herbicide containing the active ingredient isooctyl ester of 2, 4 D. The reporter indicates his father was working with the product five weeks prior to his initial contact with the registrant. The reporter did not clarify in what capacity his father was working with the product or what crop he was working with. He indicated his father had diluted the product one quart product to one hundred gallons of water and applied the mixture to a five acre lot. He reports the product was sprayed and the day was windy. He indicated he did not believe his father used any personal protective equipment such as a respirator. A discreet exposure incident was not described, but respiratory exposure was assumed by the caller. The caller stated one week following use his father developed nausea, coughing and wheezing. The caller stated after one additional week his father started to cough up small amounts of blood and developed difficulty breathing. The caller stated at this point his father was brought to a veteran s administration hospital unspecified and treated. The caller was distraught during his report and did not provide detail regarding treatments diagnostics done or if his father was hospitalized. The caller indicated his father s symptoms progressed and his lungs were inflamed, covered with lesions, and filled with blood. The caller indicated a short time later his father passed away. He did not provide details regarding where or when his father died. The caller reported an autopsy was pending. He asked about expected symptoms following inhalation exposure. The caller was advised of the potential respiratory irritant effect following inhalation exposure to diluted product and that underlying respiratory diseases can compound that effect. The caller was advised the time line and severity of symptoms seen in this circumstance was inconsistent with the toxicity profile of the active ingredient and the described use. Follow up is pending on this case. An effort to contact the reporter will be made after a sufficient amount of time has elapsed that autopsy results may be available.