Nouvelle déclaration d'incident
No de la demande: 2011-1839
Numéro de référence du titulaire d'homologation: AMV
Nom du titulaire (nom légal complet, aucune abbréviation): AMVAC Chemical Corporation
Adresse: 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 1250
Ville: Newport Beach
État: CA
Pays: United States
Code postal /Zip: 92660
Incident chez l'humain
ARLA No d'homologation 26509 ARLA No de la demande d'homologation EPA No d'homologation.
Nom du produit: Prelude 240
Site: Pub. Area - Indoor/Zone publique - int
Personne affectée
Sexe: Homme
Âge: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Non professionnel
Contact avec la zone traitée
Temps écoulé entre l'application et l'exposition (contact) 3
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Quelle était l'activité? described as "working in area" not further clarified
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
The reporter indicated he may have been exposed to a pesticide containing the active ingredient permethrin. The reporter indicated the product was applied by a commercial pest control operator to his work place three weeks prior to his initial contact with Syngenta. The application rate was not clarified by the caller. He reports he re-entered the application area three hours following application. He indicates the day of re-entry he experienced ¿¿¿flu-like symptoms¿¿¿ as well as wheezing and he ¿¿¿felt hot¿¿¿. He did not clarify when those symptoms developed in relationship to his re-entry, how long he was in the application area, and did not describe a discreet exposure incident. He indicated he reported to his local emergency room (exposure day 19-Jan-2011) in response to the symptoms experienced. He indicates he was diagnosed with an ¿¿¿irregular heartbeat¿¿¿ was given fluids (route not offered) and advised to follow up with a cardiologist. The reporter indicated the symptoms resolved spontaneously within 24-48 hours. He indicates he had a follow up with a cardiologist and an ECG was performed. The doctor found no abnormalities (roughly 1 week prior to second visit to ER). The reporter indicated he had experienced wheezing coughing again on 6-Mar-2011 and then chest pain 7-Mar-2011 and went to the ER that day. He called Syngenta from the emergency room (7-Feb-2011) where they had done an ECG and found no abnormalities. The reporter asks if his symptoms might be related to the described exposure. The reporter was advised both the symptoms and time line were inconsistent with simple re-entry to an application site where the product was used. Further, the spectrum of symptoms is inconsistent with the toxicity profile of the active ingredient. No further information is available. This call was taken by Prosar, on behalf of Syngenta. The Syngenta contact information was on the product. This product was originally Syngenta's product, and was transferred to AMVAC in 2007. AMVAC did not speak directly to the subject.