New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2023-2719
Registrant Reference Number: X
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): X
Address: X
City: X
Prov / State: X
Country: X
Postal Code: X
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ONTARIO
PMRA Registration No. 24175 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Site: Unknown / Inconnu
Data Subject
Sex: Unknown
Age: >64 yrs / > 64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Drift from the application site
Unknown / Inconnu
<=30 min / <=30 min
The emulsion of the pesticide spray drifted it's poison onto our property and environs and in our home as well thru wide open patio doors. Year 2021 After 2 rounds of pesticide sprays the allergic reaction kicked in. Overnight using a walker after the 2nd round of spray! Can't think! Can no longer function. So weak daily I almost pass out. Horrific indescribable nights of insomnia, horrific headaches, pains in legs and back. I am howling in pain. Trip to emergency hospital as emerge doctor conducted every test possible confirming the pesticide allergy. He'd seen it before. Prior to pesticides I'd been full of health often walking with my husband the nearby trail or riding bikes together in long distances. Daily dose of Activated Charcoal alleviated some of the poison. Still it took a toll on my health as I began to have grievous issues with high blood pressure -no issues prior. My husband and I escaped our property for a couple of weeks! Would you know insomnia headaches diarrhea disappeared (tho the pesticides had left my body horribly weakened!) Year 2022 May rolled around and neighbour ignored our plea and sprayed again twice leaving me so debilitated my husband has to take care of me. Headaches insomnia howling pains thru the night all over again tho the pesticides had never left my body neither our home or outdoors. My mind a dangerous blur. No breath left. Activated charcoal flushes enough poison to survive. We now close all doors and windows. I could no longer do yard work in our gardens having to abandon our organic garden. My husband cannot reenter the house without a shower and changing his clothes as the pesticides in the air are persistent all year round clinging to his skin causing me instant allergic reactions. Even the furniture is affected inside the house. We were given no choice but to abandon our waterfront home. For 5 months we hide in a little unheated trailer till end of December in [Company] parking lots mostly but now able to sleep 10 hours nightly. This year 2023 this neighbour has once again proceeded with the product application with the 1st application applied on the 24th of May. I cannot go out side our home any more or open our windows for fresh air! Or patio doors. To go in and out of the house I must put on a special mask that allows me a short time outside. In January 2023 we have had to invest in 2 expensive AIR PURIFIERS just to be able to live in our home and that barely! In February of same year we had to buy a 3rd one [Product] to trap the persistent pesticides! Some still persist. Daily diarrhea, insomnia etc has ensued.