New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2021-0147
Registrant Reference Number: USA-BAYERBAH-2020-US0059951 (Report 678180)
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Elanco
Address: 150 Research Lane, Suite 120
City: Guelph
Prov / State: ON
Country: Canada
Postal Code: N1G4T2
Prov / State: TENNESSEE
PMRA Registration No. PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No. 11556-155
Product Name: Seresto Collar unknown
Other (specify)
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown / Inconnu
>1 wk <=1 mo / > 1 sem < = 1 mois
Day(s) / Jour(s)
Unknown / Inconnu
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
On approximately 01-Sep-2019, a man, with no known concomitant medical conditions, was exposed to a Seresto Small Dog (Flumethrin-Imidacloprid) collar when he placed the collar around the neck of a dog in the home. Approximately 2 hours post exposure, the man experienced anaphylaxis, shaking, and convulsions. The man was evaluated by a physician in the emergency room, administered an unspecified medication, and placed in a coma. On approximately 08-Sep-2019, the man recovered. On approximately 14-Sep-2019, the man was exposed to a Seresto Dog (unspecified) (Flumethrin-Imidacloprid) collar when he placed the collar around the neck of another dog in the home. Approximately 2 hours post exposure, the man experienced anaphylaxis, jerking, shaking, and convulsions. The man was evaluated by a physician in the emergency room, administered an unspecified medication, and placed in a coma. On approximately 18-Sep-2019, the man recovered.
B - Possible Individual was exposed to unknown amount of collar while applying the collar. Affected site is not in line with exposed site. No information about indirect exposure of affected site via contaminated hands. Reported serious sign such as convulsion is not expected with appropriate product use as not consistent with product真真真s pharmacological profile. Shaking is not expected sign and, in this case likely associated with convulsion. Hypersensitivity reactions such as anaphylaxis to the collar are not typically seen and not consistent with product真真真s pharmacological profile as well. None of the active ingredients is known to have immuno-toxicological effects nor causing dermal sensitization. However, hypersensitivity may exceptionally occur with direct product exposure to every product combined with respective disposition in the individual. Signs resolved and then reoccurred after subsequent exposure to collar. Product information states that user should wash their hands with cold water after fitting of collar. It is unknown whether this was followed or not. Time to onset is short. Considering short time to onset and reappear of reactions after product exposure, product involvement cannot be ruled out. Thus, product involvement is assessed as possible.