New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2020-5597
Registrant Reference Number: 2766617
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited
Address: 1 Webster Street
City: Brantford
Prov / State: ON
Country: Canada
Postal Code: N3T 5R1
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ONTARIO
PMRA Registration No. 33094 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: OFF! Mosquito Lamp
Data Subject
Sex: Male
Age: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
What was the activity? Please refer to field 13 on Subform II or field 17 of subform III for a detailed description regarding the activity
<=15 min / <=15 min
<=30 min / <=30 min
9/17/2020 Caller touched the product with his left hand in the course of throwing it away about 48 hours ago. Within 5 minutes the hand became insensitive, as though the sensation had diminished. He washed his hands. the numb sensation has spread up his arm to his shoulder and chest. He called poison control, and was told to wait 24 hours to see if it resolved, but it has not. 9/24/2020 Call back to the original caller for follow up. Caller saw his doctor, who said it should resolve without treatment within a couple of weeks. The numbness has not improved. 10/7/2020 Call back to the original caller. The numbness has improved, but has not completely resolved. He has not been back to the doctor. Caller believes the numbness is not dermal and does not believe it was caused the product.
The information contained in this report is based on self-reported statements provided to the registrant during telephone Interview(s). These self-reported descriptions of an incident have not been independently verified to be factually correct or complete descriptions of the incident. For that reason, information contained in this report does not and can not form the basis for a determination of whether the reported clinical effects are causally related to exposure to the product identified in the telephone interviews.