New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2019-2646
Registrant Reference Number: x
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): x
Address: x
City: x
Prov / State: x
Country: x
Postal Code: X
Domestic Animal
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ALBERTA
PMRA Registration No. PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name:
Animal's Owner
Dog / Chien
German shorthair pointer
Unknown / Inconnu
>30 min <=2 hrs / >30 min <=2 h
Persisted until death
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
Euthanised / Euthanasie
Accidental ingestion/Ingestion accident.
(eg. description of the frequency and severity of the symptoms
The following was reported: April 8, 2017, Out walking with dog. 7 month old German short hair pointer (name). Was walking at a friend's farm west of (city), at the south west end of (road). Approx. LSD of incident was (legal subdivision). Weather was sunny, however ground still had I to 2 feet of snow cover. Near the end of the walk, around 3:30pm, (name) went temporarily out of site. She returned within a couple minutes with a deer leg. Deer leg still had hair and meat on it. No cause for concern. 4:30pm (name) began to have seizures and go into anaphylactic shock. Resuscitate, rush to X Vet hospital. (name) was put on 5 anti-seizure medications to control seizures. By 9:30 am on April 9 we had to make the decision to let (name) go as they couldn't reduce any medications without the seizures returning. Doctors were running out of seizure medication due to the high quantity needed. They were also worried about permanent brain damage and fluid pooling in the lungs. Necropsy was completed at the X vet hospital, samples were set to the X lab services to test for canine distemper. Results came back negative. Samples sent to X veterinary diagnostic laboratory for toxicology, came back positive for STRYCHNlNE. After (name) was at the vet hospital on the evening of April 8, went back out to farm to collect deer leg and look for any more sign of deer carcass. Was able to easily track where she had gone due to the snow pack and no other parts of a deer carcass were found. Have been back to the location of poisoning numerous times since and no other parts of a carcass have been found. The friends farm we were on never has and never will use Strychnine.
Not Applicable