New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2019-1029
Registrant Reference Number: M-255973-01-1
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Bayer Crop Science Inc.
Address: Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd S.E.
City: Calgary
Prov / State: Alberta
Country: Canada
Postal Code: T2C 3G3
Scientific Study
PMRA Registration No. PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Title [2-14C]Fosetyl-Aluminium (AE F053616):Phototransformation in Natural Water and Distilled Water
Date 22-JUL-05
Presence of a component or derivitive
This Study Report is entitled [2-14C] Fosetyl-aluminium (AE F053616): Phototransformation in natural water and destilled water.It documents a photolysis study of 2-14C-labeled Fosetyl-Al in sterile natural water (pH 8.1) and pure water at a test concentration of 5 mg/L at 25 2 C with artificial sunlight for seven experimental days. The extrapolated DT50 of Fosetyl-Al was approximately 77 and 35 days under irradiation conditions typical for Tokyo, Japan, or approximately 38 and 17 days under conditions typical for Phoenix, AZ, USA, for natural water and pure water, respectively. Irradiation of 14C-fosetyl-Al in sterile natural and pure water resulted in the formation of three photo-transformation products ethyl phosphate (24.3%), ethanol (14.3%), and acetic acid (44.6%) in maximum while no degradation occurred in dark controls. Ethyl phosphate, a previously undiscovered degradate, was found to be involved in the initial step of Fosetyl-Al phototransformation pathway in sterile natural and pure water as the major intermediate. Ethyl phosphate is transient in nature and further degraded to ethanol and acetate by consecutive hydrolytic and oxidative processes. Photolytical transformation will only be a minor contributor to the overall fate of Fosetyl-Al under natural outdoor conditions.