New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2015-6570
Registrant Reference Number: 1-41804829
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Bayer CropScienc Inc
Address: Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd SE
City: Calgary
Prov / State: AB
Country: Canada
Postal Code: T2C 3G3
PMRA Registration No. PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No. Unknown
Product Name: Sevin (non-specific)
Site: Res. - In Home / Rés. - à l'int. maison
Data Subject
Sex: Male
Age: >1 <=6 yrs / > 1 < = 6 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact with treated area
What was the activity? Refer to field 13
>1 wk <=1 mo / > 1 sem < = 1 mois
Unknown / Inconnu
9/4/2015 12:25:42 PM Sevin DustCaller states she has been staying somewhere for the last 3 weeks along with her (age) yo son. About 3 weeks ago her son became ill with weakness in his legs and he could not walk. They went to the pediatrician and the child was found to have a high WBC. The MD sent them home. The child's sxs became worse and he was checked into a hospital - they found his WBC was still climbing. Her son is getting weaker and weaker. He was admitted to (hospital name) on 9/1/15 and more tests were run. He was discharged and results are pending. The MDs are thinking the patient may have leukemia. Caller states that where she is staying has been using the product every night in the house for fleas. She knows they put it in the beds. Both she and her son have been exposed to the powder. The people using the product just found out last night that it should not be used inside the house. Caller states she told her son's MD about the product and the MD wants her to get as much information as possible about it.A: - Product is not designed to be used indoors- Persistent exposure could cause significant somes, some of which match the sxs your son is having.- Children may be more likely to develop CNS depression, seizures, and muscle weakness than SLUDGE signs. Other potential sxs could include drooling, twitches, low heart rate, severe sweating.- However, the product would not be expected to cause an elevated WBC, not would it be expected to cause cancer after 3 weeks- Rec. thorough decontamination of self and son for 15-20 min; be sure to wash all areas including genitals. - The home you are staying in should be decontaminated as well - rec. steam cleaning of all surfaces to avoid aerosolizing the product via vacuuming- Rec. you and your son not be in the home again until it is decontaminated- Rec. your MD perform a blood cholinesterase level test on your son to see how much of an influence (if any) the product may be having re: his sxs - gave case# and CB# 9/7/2015 1:01:35 PM PROSAR CB. Spoke with (name). Caller says that her son has been fine but will sometimes have weak spells. He is going to be rechecked by his doctor on 09/17/15. He is not currently on any medications.