New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2015-1931
Registrant Reference Number: M-05-02-20
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Valent Biosciences Corporation
Address: 870 Technology Way
City: Libertyville
Prov / State: Illinois
Country: USA
Postal Code: 60048
Country: CANADA
PMRA Registration No. 24977 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: Foray 48B
Units: L/ha
Site: Forest - Woods / Forêt et boisés
Préciser le type: Aerial
Data Subject
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
<=15 min / <=15 min
<=30 min / <=30 min
Firstly for background, I do have many allergies (mainly environmental) and asthma which I'm sure is relevant, although when I am healthy, I very seldom am affected by asthma.I was unaware of the first round of spraying at the time, but was outside on my upstairs deck. I was sitting with my back facing southwestbound in a muskoka chair. The helicopter approached from that direction on a northeastbound line and by the time I stood up and turned around to see, it was overhead. I was sprayed (more like misted) directly as it overflew. Almost immediately (before I walked the 12 feet to re-enter the house) I began coughing. I am no stranger to coughing (asthma allegies), but this was a very hard, uncontrollable, cough that was actually a little bit scary (especially because I did not know about the spraying occurring). The coughing fit lasted the better part of five minutes, much of it bouts of coughing that led to gagging and dry heaves. I also found that my arms (which were bare) were quite itchy and irritated very quickly. I showered and continued with my day, but the lung irritation and arm itching were persistent and lasted until bedtime that night. I was coughing and wheezing for the full day. I have not had an asthma episode without relief from a rescue inhaler, and although the symptoms were similar, the inhaler did nothing to relieve my discomfort (leading me to believe that asthma was not the culprit, besides the fact that an asthma attack out of the blue when I am healthy, as I was at the time, is very out of character).