New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2014-2063
Registrant Reference Number: PROSAR case: 1-37219487
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Scotts Canada Ltd.
Address: 2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 5, Suite 101
City: Mississauga
Prov / State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Postal Code: L5N2R7
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ONTARIO
PMRA Registration No. 27521 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: Home Defense Max Perimeter and Indoor Insect Control RTU
Site: Res. - In Home / Rés. - à l'int. maison
Data Subject
Sex: Female
Age: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
>3 days <=1 wk / >3 jours <=1 sem
Contact with treated area
Amount of time between application and contact 0
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
What was the activity? Daily living
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
1-37219487 - The reporter indicated that she was exposed to an insecticide containing the active ingredient permethrin. The reporters landlord applied the insecticide in the reporters apartment two weeks prior to initial contact with the registrant. The reporter was in her apartment during product application. That evening the reporter developed a headache. The next day she was out of her apartment, riding in a car with a friend, and she started having trouble breathing. She got out of the car and fainted on the sidewalk. A passerby picked her up and ran her to a nearby hospital. Per the reporter she stopped breathing and was put on oxygen. She was unconscious for 4 hours. She was sent home later that day and for the next 6 days she was incoherent. The reporter indicates that she does have asthma. The reporter was advised that transient headache and transient respiratory irritation can be seen when inhaling the fumes. But, other than the headache, the described symptoms and the time frame in which they developed are not consistent with exposure to the product. No further information is available.