New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2012-1682
Registrant Reference Number: TKI201204
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Tessendero Kenley Inc
Address: 2255 N. 44th Street, Suite 30
City: Phonenix
Prov / State: Arizona
Country: USA
Postal Code: 85008
Scientific Study
PMRA Registration No. 19696 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No. 61842-24
Product Name: Linuron
Title Linuron - Fish Short-Term Reproduction Assay with Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas)
Date 03-APR-12
New health or environmental hazard
A short-term fish reproduction study with fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) was conducted for linuron following OPPTS 890.1350 and OECD 229 guidelines. Nominal concentrations tested were 0.09, 0.9 and 9.0 mg/L. Mean measured concentrations closely matched the targets. No abnormal behavior or notable changes in secondary sex characteristics were observed throughout the 21-day study at the 0.09 and 0.9 mg/L treatment levels. Mortality of 25% and 6% was observed for the male and female fish, respectively (12% combined) at the 9.1 mg/L treatment level. Changes in coloration and lethargy were observed in fish exposed to the 9.1 mg/L treatment level. Therefore, the reductions of the core endpoints at this exposure concentration can be attributed to general toxicity as opposed to effects related to endocrine activity which were also observed (lack of spawns, reduced nuptial tubercle scores in males, reduction in male and female gonadosomatic indexes and histopathological findings in both males and females).