New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2011-3834
Registrant Reference Number: 823859
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited
Address: 1 Webster Street
City: Brantford
Prov / State: ON
Country: Canada
Postal Code: N3T 5R1
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ALBERTA
PMRA Registration No. 22258 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: OFF! Deep Woods Pump Spray Insect Repellent 100 mL - Canada
Site: Personal use / Usage personnel
Sex: Male
Age: >64 yrs / > 64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
<=15 min / <=15 min
<=30 min / <=30 min
7/21/2011 Caller states that on July 14 her husband closed his eyes and sprayed his face with the OFF! product. When they went for a walk he started experiencing double vision. He did shower afterwards. By Monday July 18 his symptom worsened. He went to a local ER were unspecified scanning techniques were not able to find a cause. He was told by a physician that his eye muscles have weakened somehow. This patient does have a history of blood clots and is taking coumadin. Follow-up on 8/4/2011 The wife reports that her husband is still having problems with his vision but there is improvement. He also has some blurred vision. The doctor feels that the symptoms will gradually subside. A head CT scan was unremarkable and ruled out a blood clotting problem.
The information contained in this report is based on self-reported statements provided to the registrant during telephone Interview(s). These self-reported descriptions of an incident have not been independently verified to be factually correct or complete descriptions of the incident. For that reason, information contained in this report does not and can not form the basis for a determination of whether the reported clinical effects are causally related to exposure to the product identified in the telephone interviews. With direct eye exposure to this insect repellent, the typical clinical manifestations of such an exposure are eye irritation and possibly conjuctivitis. These symptoms were not reported in this case. The disorder as reported is not typically associated with direct spray of the repellent in the face and eyes.