New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2011-0807
Registrant Reference Number: PROSAR Case # 1-24657795
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Syngenta Crop Protection Canada, Inc.
Address: 140 Research Lane, Research Park
City: Guelph
Prov / State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Postal Code: N1G4Z3
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ONTARIO
PMRA Registration No. 28821 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: Cruiser Maxx Beans Seed Treatment
Data Subject
Sex: Male
Age: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
>3 days <=1 wk / >3 jours <=1 sem
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
1-24657795- The reporter, an employee of a grain and feed supply retailer, indicates exposure of customer to a seed treated with the active ingredients Thiamethoxam, Metalaxyl-M, and Fludioxonil. The reporter indicated he was informed by his customer the product was handled at the beginning of the growing season and soon after dermal symptoms had developed. The exposures had not been brought to the attention of the registrant until the end of the growing season. The exposed party was contacted by telephone following notification of the registrant by the vendor. The exposed party stated at some unspecified date at the beginning of the growing season of 2010 he had dumped the product into unspecified machinery and shoveled it around. He suspected he had gotten some dust on his skin. He described no discreet exposure incident. The exposed individual indicated he developed itchy water filled blisters on both arms to the point of which his short sleeved shirt covered his arms and around his left knee. This had occurred at an unspecified time frame following the described work. The exposed party indicated he had not sought medical attention and his symptoms had resolved spontaneously within one week. He had remained asymptomatic. No further information is available
Symptoms are not consistent with exposure to the product. Required PPE was not worn while the treated seed was being handled.