New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2010-3267
Registrant Reference Number: PROSAR Case#: 1-23022619
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): United Agri Products Canada, Inc.
Address: 789 Donnybrook Drive
City: Dorchester
Prov / State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Postal Code: N0L1G5
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: ONTARIO
PMRA Registration No. 14617 PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: Thionex 50W
Site: Agricultural-Indoor / Agricole-intérieur
Préciser le type: Greenhouse plants
Data Subject
Sex: Female
Age: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact with treated area
Amount of time between application and contact 12
Hour(s) / Heure(s)
What was the activity? Treated room vented into occupied room
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
1-23022619: The reporter notified the registrant on 6/14/10 of her exposure in 9/2009 to fumes from an insecticide product containing the active ingredient Endosulfan. According to the reporter, she was acutely exposed one time while working in a greenhouse where the product had been applied. She was in another room from where product had been applied overnight, and was exposed to the odor of the product as it exhausted through the door to where she was located. There was no direct exposure to the product. The reporter developed dizziness and nausea at some unspecified time after the exposure; symptoms lasted 3 days. The reporter indicated that she has had slight symptoms ever since the initial exposure - in 3/2010 she had the flu and all the symptoms came back (duration unknown). The reporter stated she felt that she must have been poisoned. During the 6/14 call, the safety profile of the product was discussed in terms of typical symptoms and the time frame in which they would develop after an exposure. Also discussed was the fact that: a) systemic toxicity would not be anticipated from smelling the odor of the product that was applied the night before; b) inhalation exposures would be treated by removing the patient from the source of the fumes; and c) most cases of acute toxicity would recover within 24-48 hours unless ongoing absorption occurs or complications develop. Lastly, the reporter was informed that dizziness and nausea may result while in the presence of a noxious odor for a period of time (odor effect), but no long term health consequences would be expected from such an exposure. Any symptoms that recurred over time which resembled the original symptoms or flu-like symptoms would not be expected.
The reporter was informed that dizziness and nausea may result while in the presence of a noxious odor for a period of time (odor effect), but no long term health consequences would be expected from such an exposure. Any symptoms that recurred over time which resembled the original symptoms or flu-like symptoms would not be expected.