New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2009-4375
Registrant Reference Number: Prosar 1-19954052
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Syngenta Crop Protection Canada, Inc.
Address: 140 Research Lane, Research Park
City: Guelph
Prov / State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Postal Code: N1G4Z3
Prov / State: IDAHO
PMRA Registration No. PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: Diquat (non-specific)
Site: Agricultural-Outdoor/Agricole-extérieur
Préciser le type: Potato
Data Subject
Sex: Female
Age: >19 <=64 yrs / >19 <=64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Drift from the application site
Unknown / Inconnu
Unknown / Inconnu
1-19954052: A reporter called on 09/15/2009 to report her possible exposure to an herbicide containing the active ingredient Diquat. According to the reporter, she was mowing her lawn in the beginning of July 2009 while the product was being sprayed on the neighboring potato field. The reporter stated that she may have had dermal or inhalation exposure to product drift. The reporter went inside and had the chills and a swollen abdomen. She also noted that her dog's abdomen appeared swollen. The reporter then lay down on the couch and had no memory of the following week. She stated that she did not get up at all during that time, and had developed generalized skin swelling and lost the top layer of her skin at some point. She finally saw a doctor at the end of that week on 08/04/2009. The doctor gave the reporter 2 cortisone shots and a salve. She saw her primary care physician after her initial appointment with the other physician and was prescribed erythromycin, pain medication, and "nerve pills". At the time of the call, the reporter had a scar on her leg from the incident. She also described having knots on her leg. The reporter was advised that the signs described are not consistent with the potential exposure described. The reporter was also advised that properly diluted solutions would not be expected to result in skin irritation unless clothing is soaked and the product is left on the skin for long periods of time. Intact skin is an effective barrier; however, skin lesions or prolonged exposure to a diquat-containing product could potentially result in systemic toxicity. Overexposure to diquat mist may result in respiratory irritation. A recommendation was made to continue working with the reporter's physicians to determine the cause and appropriate treatment of her signs. No further information was obtained.
The symptoms reported are not consistent with exposure to the product.