Health Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Consumer Product Safety

Incident Report

Subform I: General Information

1. Report Type.

New incident report

Incident Report Number: 2007-8035

2. Registrant Information.

Registrant Reference Number: 2007Nov APSS 70096654

Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Monsanto

Address: 800 North Lindbergh Blvd.

City: Saint Louis

Prov / State: Missouri

Country: United States of America

Postal Code: 63167

3. Select the appropriate subform(s) for the incident.

Domestic Animal

4. Date registrant was first informed of the incident.


5. Location of incident.


Prov / State: NEW JERSEY

6. Date incident was first observed.


Product Description

7. a) Provide the active ingredient and, if available, the registration number and product name (include all tank mixes). If the product is not registered provide a submission number.


PMRA Registration No.       PMRA Submission No.       EPA Registration No. 71995-26

Product Name: Roundup Weed + Grass Killer Concentrate EPA Reg. No.: 71995-26

  • Active Ingredient(s)
      • Guarantee/concentration 25 %

7. b) Type of formulation.


Application Information

8. Product was applied?


9. Application Rate.


10. Site pesticide was applied to (select all that apply).

Site: Res. - Out Home / Rés - à l'

11. Provide any additional information regarding application (how it was applied, amount applied, the size of the area treated etc).

Landlord applied product in yard of rental unit.

To be determined by Registrant

12. In your opinion, was the product used according to the label instructions?


Subform III: Domestic Animal Incident Report

1. Source of Report


2. Type of animal affected

Cat / Chat

3. Breed

Feline Domestic

4. Number of animals affected


5. Sex


6. Age (provide a range if necessary )


7. Weight (provide a range if necessary )


8. Route(s) of exposure


9. What was the length of exposure?

Unknown / Inconnu

10. Time between exposure and onset of symptoms

>24 hrs <=3 days / >24 h <=3 jours

11. List all symptoms


  • Nervous and Muscular Systems
    • Symptom - Ataxia
  • Respiratory System
    • Symptom - Difficulty Breathing
  • General
    • Symptom - Death

12. How long did the symptoms last?

>3 days <=1 wk / >3 jours <=1 sem

13. Was medical treatment provided? Provide details in question 17.


14. a) Was the animal hospitalized?


14. b) How long was the animal hospitalized?

15. Outcome of the incident


16. How was the animal exposed?

Contact treat.area/Contact surf. traitée

17. Provide any additional details about the incident

(eg. description of the frequency and severity of the symptoms

Landlord called to report tenant saying the cat was having trouble breathing and moving hind legs. Had sprayed product in yard of rental unit 2 days before. Not sure if cat was outside, didn't actually see it. Is outdoors primarily. They suspect the cat could have had a heart condition and may have thrown a clot. No necropsy was done. No further signalment available. The landlord was asked to have the owner call to discuss with the referring DVM. The owner called Oct. 3, 2007. The owner thinks that the exposure to the agent directly led to her cat's death. The DVM explained that if the cat had pre-existing heart disease the exposure and the cat's death could be coincidental. The agent would not be expected to cause ataxia and breathing problems. The owner would not accept this explanation. She is convinced that her landlord's use of the agent was the precipitating event that led to her cat's death. She hung up on the DVM.

To be determined by Registrant

18. Severity classification (if there is more than 1 possible classification


19. Provide supplemental information here

APSS Case: [number] Because the time course was poorly consistent, the amount was unknown consistent, and the findings were poorly consistent, this substance was considered to have doubtful likelihood of causing the clinical situation.