New incident report
Incident Report Number: 2007-5946
Registrant Reference Number: PROSAR Case 1-15125259
Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Scotts Canada Ltd
Address: 2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 5, Suite 101
City: Mississauga
Prov / State: Ontario
Country: USA
Postal Code: L5N2R7
Country: CANADA
Prov / State: MANITOBA
PMRA Registration No. PMRA Submission No. EPA Registration No.
Product Name: Killex Unknown
Site: Res. - Out Home / Rés - à l'
Data Subject
Sex: Male
Age: >64 yrs / > 64 ans
Unknown / Inconnu
Contact with treated area
What was the activity? Walking with Bare feet
Unknown / Inconnu
>1 wk <=1 mo / > 1 sem < = 1 mois
History: Caller states he has been using product for a number of years on his lawn. Caller states he uses product 1-2x / year. Caller states while working in yard caller walks with bare feet over treated grass. Caller states he has had an inflammatory condition in his low legs and feet that has been getting worse over the last couple of months. Caller states product was recently applied approx 2wks ago. Caller states after walking on lawn with bare feet 5days after application his inflammation has gotten worse. Caller describes symptoms as "the muscles in his ankles and on the bottom of his feet feel firm." Caller verifies there is no dermal irritation to the bottom of his feet. Caller states he has been seen by a MD physician and physician believes his inflammation is nerve related. Caller is wondering if product could cause his symptoms. Assessment: Not an anticipated result of product exposure. Product can be a dermal irritant with short term exposure and can cause neurological and muscular problems with repeated and long-term exposure. Based upon the history given I believe something else is going on and I recommend you continue to work with your MD physician to find the cause of your symptoms. CB prn. Note: PMRA: Based on the toxicologic profile of the product and the alleged contact/effect in the incident description, the symptoms alleged would be inconsistent with what would be expected from the described product contact.