Health Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Consumer Product Safety

Incident Report

Subform I: General Information

1. Report Type.

Update the report

Incident Report Number: 2009-4569

2. Registrant Information.

Registrant Name (Full Legal Name no abbreviations): Syngenta Crop Protection Canada, Inc.

Address: 140 Research Lane, Research Park

City: Guelph

Prov / State: ON

Country: Canada

Postal Code: N1G 4Z3

3. Select the appropriate subform(s) for the incident.

Scientific Study

4. Date registrant was first informed of the incident.

5. Location of incident.

6. Date incident was first observed.

Product Description

7. a) Provide the active ingredient and, if available, the registration number and product name (include all tank mixes). If the product is not registered provide a submission number.


PMRA Registration No. 29074      PMRA Submission No.       EPA Registration No.

Product Name: Revus Fungicide

  • Active Ingredient(s)

PMRA Registration No. 15723      PMRA Submission No.       EPA Registration No.

Product Name: Bravo 500 Agricultural Fungicide

  • Active Ingredient(s)

7. b) Type of formulation.

Application Information

8. Product was applied?


9. Application Rate.

10. Site pesticide was applied to (select all that apply).

11. Provide any additional information regarding application (how it was applied, amount applied, the size of the area treated etc).

To be determined by Registrant

12. In your opinion, was the product used according to the label instructions?


Subform VII: Scientific Study

1. Study Reference

Title Mandipropamid SC (A12956B) + Chlorothalonil SC (A7867K) - Residue Levels on Potatoes from Trials Conducted in Canada During 2007,

Date 01-JAN-07

2. a) Is an extension needed to translate the document?


3. Type of incident identified in the study

Increased health or environmental risk

4. Describe the incident identified in the study (e.g. study demonstrates an increased risk to non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma after exposure to pesticide X)

This study is still ongoing and has not been signed-off. The date shown is only to allow the form to be completed. In 2007, a bridging residue trial was established with a tank mix of Mandipropamid SC (A12946B) + Chlorothalonil SC (A7867K) on potatoes. The program included plots at 3 sites. The analytical results from one sample from one of the 3 sites indicated residues for parent mandipropamid (0.015 ppm) which were above the existing MRL for potatoes (0.01 ppm). There were no detectable residues of the parent at the other 2 sites.

5. a) Was the study discontinued before completion?


5. b) Provide the reason for discontinuation

6. If the study is ongoing, what is the expected completion date?


For Registrant use only

7. Provide supplemental information here

Study has not been signed off. Samples are being re-analysed. There appears to have been no contamination of samples, no analytical problems and no field application issues. The finding appears to be an anomaly; consequently, the samples are being re-analysed.